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Quick Guide

Manual Version 1:  March 2009

Welcome to the new style Brighton and Hove SCB Procedures.

This new style manual is a duplicate of the previous Pan Sussex Child Protection Procedures, the contents have not been amended at all.

Please read this 'Quick Guide', which explains how to navigate this new style manual.

We hope you like the new style Manual, if you have any comment or feedback please go to 'Contact Us' - available on the left hand side of any screen.

Thank you.


  1. Structure of the Manual
  2. Display and Browser Options
  3. Keywords and Search
  4. Printing and Retaining Copies
  5. Compliance
  6. Contact us and Alerts
  7. Copyright

1. Structure of the Manual

This Manual is a duplicate of the previous Pan Sussex Child Protection Procedures, created in a new 'web-based' format.

The Manual is sub divided into 2 'Volumes', which are accessible from the Contents List - on the left hand side of the screen.

The contents of each volume are also listed.

If you are unsure where a particular chapter is located, try the 'Search' function - also available from the left hand side of the screen.

2. Display and Browser Options

People with a visual impairment may have difficulty accessing this Manual, if they do, they can change the size of the text/layout - please use the accessibility buttons on the left hand side of every screen; these are the "letter a" buttons increasing in size;

View this website with small text View this website with medium text View this website with large text View this website with high visibility

Click a larger "a" button to increase your text size, the very largest being high visibility mode.

3. Keywords and Search

3.1  Keywords

Keywords are terms or phrases which require further definition or explanation (such as 'Significant Harm', 'CAFCASS' or 'Personal Education Plan').

This manual contains a 'Keywords Appendix' with over 400 definitions and cross references, some of which are highlighted within the body of chapters, like this Significant Harm. If you find a Keyword like this, access the definition by clicking on it.

The majority of terms are not highlighted, but are defined in the Keywords Appendix - available from the left hand side of the screen

3.2  Search

You can search the whole manual for Chapter titles and sub sections of individual Chapters.

To do this, click on 'Search' on the left hand side of the screen.

4. Printing and Retaining Copies

The Manual should normally be viewed on line.

However, users may print chapters, using the "print" icon in the top right of the manual;

Print this page

Please note, the Manual will be updated regularly, so staff should avoid retaining printed versions - hard copies are only valid for 72 hours.

5. Compliance

5.1 Regulatory Compliance

Every effort has been taken to ensure regulatory compliance. If you discover any errors or mistakes, please alert your manager or contact us.

5.2 W3C Compliance

This manual meets the Double A Standards of the World Wide Web Consortium (W3C), for example, it can be accessed by people with high levels of visual impairment.

6. Contact us and Alerts

6.1 Comments and Suggestions

If you have any comments or suggestions to make about this manual please contact us by using the 'Contact Us' button on the left hand side of the screen, from anywhere within the manual.

6.2 Alerts

If you would like to be notified when this manual is updated, register your contact details in 'Contact Us' - on the left hand side of any screen.

7. Copyright

The content of this website can be accessed, printed and downloaded in an unaltered form, on a temporary basis, for personal study or reference purposes. However any content printed or downloaded may not be sold, licensed, transferred, copied or reproduced in whole or in part in any manner or in or on any media to any person without the prior written consent of Tri-X-Childcare Ltd and Brighton & Hove SCB.
